Rape not Pillage Picture - 88K
LFN5 - Centre Structure? - 56K

Bronze Age Barrow

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Excavated between Sept 1979 and Aug 1981

This page just gives key evidence to solicit feedback to help with the interpretation of the Bronze Age 'Barrow'. Anyone seeking more background is welcome to browse the Lofts Farm Interim Reports.
All original photographs, site notebooks and plans are available for browsing on-line.

Thanks to a Lloyds Bank Equipment Fund grant we have obtained a carbon date from the small quantity of charcoal found with the bone fragments in small pit LFN32. Harwell Low Level Measurements Laboratory has provided the following results:

  1. Code Number   HAR - 6391
  2. Conventional Radiocarbon Age  
    (i) YEARS BP 3540+120   (ii) BP-1950 1590bc
  3. Stable Isotope Ratio Delc13        -27.9 o/oo
Two Arrowhead fragments Bronze Age Urn sherd Beaker sherd? Decorated base Iron Age pedestral base
Bigger view - 92K
Flint - Cremations - Pottery

The very fragmentary cremation remains found may represent a small proportion of the original deposits.

Although few in number the finds recovered contribute a great deal towards our understanding of the archaeology.


A Rough Sequence
A Rough Sequence

Assuming the rings (LFN1 & LFN5) and small central animal bone offering pit (LFN32) are contemporary and represent the creation of the 'Barrow' we can propose a start date of around 1600BC. The 'Barrow' ditches remained a feature of the landscape until the Romans made a field entrance close by.

  • Run sequence
  • Basic excavation plan
  • First Barrow Features
  • Later cremations
  • Iron Age additions
  • Last Roman field entrance
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